Software Carpentry Workshop - R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis (Day 1)

South entrance of Bizzell with OU flag on a lamp post in the forefront

Event Location
Collaborative Learning Classroom (LL123)

Software Carpentry Workshop - R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis (Day 1)

Software Carpentry Workshop - R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis

Software Carpentryis a two-day workshop designed to teach beginning computing skills and best practices to faculty, staff, and students. This introductory workshop will cover how to incorporate better practices when working with data and to strengthen data management skills.

The details of the material can be found in thelesson materialsand include the topics Intro to the Linux Command Shell, Intro to R, and Version Control using Git/GitHub. The workshop does not teach any particular domain tools but the foundational skills that will allow you to conduct any analysis and analyze the output of a data pipeline.

Software install requirement:R and RStudio be installed prior to the workshop

This workshop is geared towards beginners and no prior experience is necessary. For those who have intermediate and advanced skills working with data and code, OU Libraries offers regular office hours with specialists. Stop byDAVIS Virtual Office Hourson Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 1:00–3:00 p.m. with any questions. Additional resources includeDigital Scholarshipat OU Libraries. Intermediate and advanced learners are invited to participate in workshops as helpers in order to learn more about the Software and Data Carpentry program and its pedagogy.

Registration is required.

Questions, comments, or concerns? Contact Mark

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