

标识符: HOS-Meteorology
气象学中现有的档案大约有110个银行档案箱。我们目前正在寻求资金来处理它们,并将它们提供给学者。在气象学历史收集计划中已有的初始档案包括以下内容:部分处理的档案包括2个银行箱和32个文件箱,涵盖了从国家安全ssl的起源到20世纪末,直到国家天气中心建设之前的一段时间。与NSSL档案相关的文件包括NASA-Langley闪电研究项目(1986)的另外4个文件盒和Leonard Benedict Loeb(1891-1978)的3个文件盒。埃德温·凯斯勒档案:凯斯勒监督了多普勒天气雷达的发展,也是国家强风暴实验室(NSSL)的首任主任。16个银行箱,26个公文箱和183个笔记本夹正在等待处理。罗纳德·k·泰勒与魏明英档案:罗纳德·c·泰勒气象学收藏由魏明英捐赠。罗纳德·c·泰勒在美国国家科学基金会(NSF)担任气象项目主任27年,直到1997年退休。他参加了国际地球物理年(1957-58年),驻扎在小美洲,进行了一些早期南极天气分析。 Ron Taylor’s meteorological books are being cataloged and added to the print holdings. An additional 18 oversize boxes of papers have arrived so far, with more to come. Ming Ying Wei was the first female graduate from OU with a doctorate in meteorology. She worked for NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC, until her recent retirement. She has sponsored an annual dissertation fellowship in the history of meteorology for the Department of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine. Gary Grice Archive: Contains more than 200 photographs of old weather instruments and meteorological facilities. These are awaiting funding for processing. In addition, the Gary Grice Collection of printed works cataloged in the Collections holdings contains more than 200 volumes from the early 1800s to the mid 20th century. These books and booklets vary from theory and conceptual models to operational manuals of the U.S. Signal Service (1871-1891) and Weather Bureau (subsequent to 1891). Grice also donated a barometer made for the Signal Service in the 1880s which is in the Instruments and Artifacts Archive. Herbert Holl Archive: Herbert Holl trained in Germany in the optics and physics of the atmosphere before World War II. The Holl papers represent the influential community of German scientists who emigrated after the war to Huntsville, Alabama, and established a distinctive scientific and civic culture famously associated with Werner von Braun. The Holl Archive consists of 29 banker boxes and is awaiting funding for processing. Holl’s books have been given to the Collections and have been added to the cataloged print holdings. Holl’s career represents a significant moment in the development of German physics before the second world war and the books in his collection are very hard to find in the United States. Tetsuya Theodore Fujita Archive: Tetsuya Theodore Fujita’s research focused on severe weather including severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, downbursts and microbursts. He created the Fujita scale of tornado intensity and damage. 1 banker box of OU-related papers, mainly handouts and offprints, is awaiting funding for processing. Neil Ward Archive: Neil Ward was a meteorology professor at OU who conducted early vortex simulation experiments in the laboratory. The Ward Archive includes several photos and the only known extant video recording of Ward's well-known investigations of vortex experiments in the 1960s. 12 document boxes are awaiting funding for processing.